We believe having different cultures and educational backgrounds adds to even better results. AIRBORN is a Danish company, and we love working on projects abroad and with talent from various locations and skill sets. |
“That’s what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.”, Walt Disney
AIRBORN is a creative company that aims to restore order with imagination, while delivering innovative solutions and storytelling that stands out.
AIRBORN has been operating actively in Denmark, Portugal, France, Italy, Canada, Sweden, South Africa, Norway and a handful of states in the USA.
Clients include entertainment businesses, digital front runners, authors, investors, officials, restaurants, tourism etc.
We inspire to cultivate innovative ideas and develop products, services and concepts with stories that are not only memorable, but adds value as meaningful experiences and offerings – from original idea and creative concept to a solid project ready for take off.
We believe having different cultures and educational backgrounds adds to even better results. AIRBORN is a Danish company, and we love working on projects abroad and with talent from various locations and skill sets. |
We dream big and rarely color inside the lines! If a project is inspiring, we are ready to take on a challenge. Do you have an interesting project for us? CONTACT |
We draw on interactive media, creative art and events, and believe customers are intelligent creatures who enjoy a high level of quality. Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Let’s be fearlessly authentic. |
For companies effected by COVID19 seeking new solutions.
With a professional THINK TANK, we consult in better solutions that meet the situation, requirements, unarticulated needs, new and existing market needs.
AIRBORN is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID19 –the Corona Virus. With active support of professional creatives, IT and innovation experts, we identify opportunities in new technologies and in combining collaborative methods, offering new solutions to radically disrupt the effect COVID19 has on products, services, experiences and offerings.
While COVID19 might have been what initiated a need for new solutions, together we will use the current situation to inspire hope and create innovation while we aim generate meaningful impact in the market and society.